SIS - Simple Intelligent Systems
SIS stands for Simple Intelligent Systems
Here you will find, what does SIS stand for in IT under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Simple Intelligent Systems? Simple Intelligent Systems can be abbreviated as SIS What does SIS stand for? SIS stands for Simple Intelligent Systems. What does Simple Intelligent Systems mean?The IT company falls under information technology and services category and is located in .
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Alternative definitions of SIS
- Saratoga Independent School
- Secret Intelligence Service
- Suspended Imposition Of Sentence
- Sister
- Silicon Integrated Systems
- Student Information System
- Student Information System
- Schengen Information System
View 263 other definitions of SIS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SSI Set Scouter Inc.
- SIC Somerset Investors Corp.
- SCSD St Charles School District
- SCC Smart Caregiver Corporation
- SSS Six Safety Systems
- SLPS San Luis Personnel Services
- SAOBDTG SAO Bac Dau Technologies Group
- SBE Social Business Earth
- SRN Snap Realty Nola
- SWSG SW Support Group
- SJCS St Joseph Catholic School
- SCM Stone Container de Mexico
- SCMA South Carolina Manufacturers Alliance
- SBR Signature Book Representation
- STA Science Technology As
- SRC Secret Recipe Cafe
- SBRE Southern Berks Regional Ems
- SAS Screen Academy Scotland
- SAC Swiss Aviation Consulting
- SKSGL SKS Global Limited